Thank You for Attending the Botsplash Lunch and Learn!

Please reference the information below as a recap of what was discussed.

For Effective Communication

  • Personalization - Utilizing the customer's name and relevant information can make the interaction more personal.
  • Prompt Responses - Aim to always respond within a few minutes to increase chance of engagement.
* Use these!
  • Token Replacement - Instantly add a personalized touch to otherwise generic messaging for a higher impact.
  • Canned Messages -  Create meaningful messaging ahead of time for quick personal responses.
  • Suggested Reply - Never allow a conversation to stall by enlisting the help of generative AI for the next right thing to say.

For Dynamic Engagement

  • Seamless Interaction - Utilizing multiple communication channels without a gap in response time creates a higher overall consumer experience.
  • Staying Organized - Keeping track of active conversations as well as high priority leads reduces response times and allows an agent to provide a more memorable interaction with the customer.
* Use these!
  • Labels and Bookmarks - Create your own filters and bookmarks allowing an agent to customize their workflow anytime.
  • Conversation Filters - Filters identifying different types of leads allow an agent to hone in on only the leads that make sense at that time.
  • Message Dashboard - All conversation history no matter the channel all in one place.

To Save Time:

Meetings - Schedule callbacks with a customer which sends out a text reminder 10 mins before

Canned Messages - Quick personalized responses for any conversation

Tasks - Reminders of pending items and further lead management

Saved Searches - Quickly search through all leads on a granular level

Call Forwarding - Ensure all calls are sent to office phone number ensuring no opportunity is missed

To Maximize what Botsplash can do for you:

Botsplash Mobile App - Responding to a customer within the first few minutes greatly increases the chance of conversion. The app allows you to communicate on the go!

Scheduled SMS-Long term leads can be one of the biggest lost opportunities because consistent long term follow up is often forgotten. Schedule SMS allows you to plan ahead and ensure no lead is missed!

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