Single Sign-On

No more password chaos with Botsplash's Single Sign On (SSO) feature!

With Botsplash's Single Sign-On (SSO), you can use a single set of login credentials to access multiple applications without remembering different passwords. That's right - no more new passwords!

Seamless Integration

Our SSO feature is designed for easy integration with your existing applications. Whether using Microsoft, Gsuite, or related authentication schemes, Botsplash's SSO feature can work seamlessly with your setup. This means you can maintain control over user access and authentication without the hassle of managing multiple logins.

Enhanced Security

With SSO, you can rest assured that your Botsplash account and other applications are secure. Our SSO feature allows you to enforce strong password policies and multi-factor authentication (MFA), reducing the risk of unauthorized access. So, only authorized users can access your sensitive business data.

No More Password Fatigue

With Botsplash's SSO feature, you can use one password for all your applications, saving you from password fatigue and the need to remember passwords for every app you use. This reduces the risk of forgotten passwords and eliminates the need for manual password resets.

Quick and Easy User Experience

No more wasting time juggling multiple login credentials! With Botsplash's SSO feature, you'll enjoy a more streamlined and user-friendly experience. Simply log in once and access all your applications quickly and easily.

Easy User Management

Seamlessly manage user access and authentication, reducing the need for manual user provisioning and de-provisioning. This ensures that when a user joins or leaves the organization, they instantly gain or lose access to the Botsplash platform.

So, why waste time and energy juggling multiple login credentials when you can streamline the process with Botsplash's SSO feature?  Enjoy a more secure, user-friendly, and hassle-free login experience with Botsplash's SSO!

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What applications does Botsplash's SSO integrate with?

Botsplash's SSO supports popular options like Microsoft Azure AD, Okta, G Suite, and SAML-based authentication systems. It can also be customized to integrate with your specific applications.

Are there any additional benefits to using SSO with Botsplash?

Yes, several! SSO reduces the risk of password fatigue and forgotten passwords, leading to fewer support tickets and improved security. Additionally, centralized user management saves IT resources and simplifies compliance with data security regulations.

Can I customize the SSO login experience for my brand?

Yes, Botsplash offers branding options to personalize the SSO login page with your logo and colors, ensuring a seamless and consistent user experience across all applications.