Occasionally when logging into Botsplash Mobile App on iPhone using your company Login ID, the web page is presented with "Signing into Botsplash Mobile App ..." with links to Apple App and Android app. If you continue to see the web page after installing the Botsplash App, please follow below steps to resolve the issue.
General Video for iPhone App Setup and Access
Username Password App Access
Single-Sign-On | Enterprise Email App Access
Resolution 1: Slide down the signing in page to see "Open in the Botsplash" bar, Click "OPEN" to open Botsplash App.
Resolution 2: Long Press Email link, click "Open in Botsplash"
Resolution 3: Delete the App and Reinstall the app.
Still issue? Delete browsing history and try again. How to delete browsing history.
If the above resolutions does not solve the App login, make sure your are using supported apps and try again:
- Supported Browsers: Apple Safari or Google Chrome
- Supported Email Apps: Mail App, Microsoft Outlook App or Gmail App
- Firewall not blocking email links
- The device has stable network connection
If the above solutions does not work, write to with following information for further assistance:
- iPhone Model
- iPhone OS Version
- Installed Botsplash Mobile App Version
- Default Browser Information
- Default Email App
- Copy of Email